Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm feeling worried due to death of Tarq Masud and Mishuk Munir

Today is not a bright day, you know. The day conveys black symbol due to the loss of some great people from our community. Bangladesh will have to remember them for long because they don't have any replacements. Two great sons died today due to terrible road accident.

One is Tareq Masud, who is the leading personnel in producing pure films in Bangladesh. Hardly you can find anybody in our country who didn't hear his name. He made some immortal films and documentaries that would evolve for long long time. 'Matir moyna' is the best film made by him achieved numerous international awards.

Another one is Mishuk Munir, who is the son of our famous writer Munir Hasan. He was CEO of our first news channel ATN News. Besides, he was a media personnel working behind, enjoyed his tight schedule with camera work, journalism and photography. He acted as editor in several international newspapers and achieved high positions in international channels.

I'm deeply shocked for the loss of these two heroic sons. I hope that the whole nation is missing them.

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